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Tom Hacquoil, CEO

DisruptHR Channel Islands: Why You’re Recruiting All Wrong

May 6th, 2020 8 minute read
Tom Hacquoil
Tom Hacquoil
"If you're hiring, you're selling, you're not buying. You're not adding to payroll. You're selling the opportunity to work at your business and you need to frame your recruitment in support of that."

Even in the last six weeks, 44% of in-house recruiters say that attracting the right applicants is their biggest challenge.

Some people are talking about a “candidate rich” market but, even if there’s a bigger pool, your team still expects you to hire the best.

See what our CEO, Tom Hacquoil, had to say about the future of talent attraction when he spoke at DisruptHR St Peter Port, just a couple of weeks before “lockdown”.


About the author
Tom Hacquoil
Tom Hacquoil
Tom is the CEO at Pinpoint and he's passionate about building world-class teams.

Further reading