- Category
- Background Checks
Pinpoint's integration with Certn helps you hire the best candidates by delivering comprehensive background checks on candidates and allows you to view their results all from within Pinpoint.
Make the best hires for your team by using Certn to run background checks on your candidates that are fast, accurate and deliver a standout candidate and recruiter experience
Using our integration with Certn, you can make better hires for your team by having access to thorough and quick background checks for candidates you want to go on to hire. Certn allows you to run background checks on applicants to search for:
- Criminal backgrounds
- International backgrounds
- Employment verification
- Motor vehicle records
- Credit checks
- and more!
By using Certn you can increase recruiter productivity, optimize your candidate conversion, and reduce human bias in your hiring process that hinders DEI initiatives within your recruiting strategy.
Our integration with Certn makes it easy to run background checks on candidates from Pinpoint, and have their results appear right from within the platform.
How does it work?
Certn uses AI to identify, classify, and filter data faster than legacy background checks, which allows you to screen faster from over 190 countries and 200,000 data sources.
It also helps with:
- Removing bias from the selection process by using data-driven analytics to let you see hiring patterns, predict their impact early, and make changes to your hiring criteria
- Expanding your candidate pool and improving compliance by more than 90% with better filtering and evaluation tools
- Optimizing your hiring workflow to reduce manual work and improve time-to-hire
Want to use Certn’s solution in combination with Pinpoint to attract and hire the right candidates for your team? Create an account with Certn for the background check solution that works best for you, let us know to activate the integration in Pinpoint, input the URL we provide into Certn, and get started!
How easy is it?
You can easily and instantly connect Pinpoint and Certn by:
- Create an account with Certn
- Enabling the Certn integration in Pinpoint
- Entering a URL into Certn that Pinpoint provides
- Select a candidate profile to send an assessment to
- Clicking ‘Certn Background Check’
- Verifying the candidates information
- Click ‘Submit’
- Once the assessment is complete, simply viewing the results in the Assessments tab in the candidate profile
Got 30 minutes?
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3 free checks + premium pricing
Offer details
As a Pinpoint customer, you can receive 3 free background checks + premium pricing on additional checks through Certn!