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Talent Sourcing

Pinpoint’s integration with cord helps you find active people, fill your talent pipeline and make direct hires.

Cord and Pinpoint ATS integration

cord is the hiring tool used by teams inside technology-led companies to source active people, fill their pipelines and make direct hires. Get access to 16,000+ verified, relevant and responsive candidates who are actively looking for work.

Our integration with cord allows you to automatically send candidates you source on cord directly to Pinpoint, so you can manage all your candidates in one central space.

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Supercharge your pipeline with Pinpoint and cord

How does the Pinpoint and cord integration work?

With cord and Pinpoint you can:

  • Message active people – Thousands of highly responsive people make sourcing as simple as sending a message. Every person on cord is pre-verified, experienced and actively looking for work.
  • Supercharge your pipeline – People sourced from cord move straight into your pipeline on Pinpoint. There is no manual work needed. 
  • Make direct hires – Active, qualified people perform better in your pipeline than other sources. Thousands of hires have been made on cord to date.

About cord

cord is the hiring tool used by technology-led companies to find active people, fill their pipelines and make direct hires.

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