- Category
- Job Boards
Automatically post any jobs you create in Pinpoint to your Indeed employer account. Integrate Indeed with our applicant tracking system and manage all your jobs and candidates in one place.
The easiest way to manage all your jobs and candidates in one place
Spend less time on admin and more time on hiring the right people.
When you integrate Indeed with Pinpoint, you’ll simplify your hiring workflow by centralizing reporting, candidate information, and job advert posting.
Our most successful customers attract 5x more candidates with Pinpoint’s Indeed Apply integration that enables people to apply with a single click.
With all your candidates in one place, including those from Indeed, you can offer a consistent candidate experience and easily compare applicants side-by-side.
Offer a world class candidate experience
Thousands of your competitors are using Indeed. You need to stand out from the crowd.
When you manage your candidates in Pinpoint you’ll communicate better, and make faster hiring decisions—that’s how our most successful customers offer candidates a stand-out experience and beat their competition.
Here's how easy it is...
Ready to post your open roles on Indeed?
Simply push the jobs you want to Indeed via our custom XML feed and open the door to 250 million job seekers. You can do this for free, for every job, without sacrificing the quality of leads or dollars in the bank.
Buy ads on Indeed to promote your roles
Want to promote your jobs on Indeed but don’t have pre-purchased credit? Buy one-off ads on a job-by-job basis through Pinpoint’s job board marketplace. Select the job you want to promote, add Indeed to your Job Board Marketplace cart, and check out—all within Pinpoint.
Guarantee more applicants
Not seeing many applications come through? We’re one of the first applicant tracking systems to be integrated with Indeed Apply which allows you to bolster your postings by enabling applicants to apply for jobs (and answer custom questions that you set up in Pinpoint) with just one click!
You can drastically improve your conversion rates and drive far more applicants to your roles when they can apply directly from Indeed.
Already have credits for postings in Indeed?
No problem! You can still use them with the Pinpoint + Indeed integration.
How do you know if it's working?
By using Pinpoint’s robust and intuitive reporting tools you can easily create reports to monitor how your postings are performing.
See which job boards deliver the most high-quality candidates and see where to spend your recruiting budget to get the best return on your investment. Spend money on job boards that deliver the candidates you’ll go on to hire.
Got 30 minutes?
Schedule a demo to see how Pinpoint can transform the way you attract, hire, and onboard talent.