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Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery Statement

Updated: 21 January 2025



Pinpoint’s company values are the cornerstone to our ways of working. Our team’s unanimous agreement to these principals, and the behaviors that represent them, means that all employees take equal ownership in identifying, preventing, and mitigating areas in which can halt us from meeting our shared agreement.

Modern slavery is a violation of basic human rights. At Pinpoint, we are dedicated to the ethical treatment of all individuals, ensuring that every person enjoys freedom, dignity, and respect in all aspects of their lives. This commitment reflects our stance against exploitation and abuse, promoting practices that empower individuals and uphold their rights. We champion fair labor, voluntary employment, equitable treatment, and opportunities for personal and professional growth. Our values stand in opposition to forced labor, human trafficking, debt bondage, forced marriage, and child labor, advocating instead for an inclusive and just society where every person can thrive without fear or oppression.


Pinpoint's responsibilities: Our hiring process & organizational structure

We have a strong commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. We believe that diversity of backgrounds, perspectives, an experiences enriches our culture, drives innovation, enables us to better serve our customers, and is essential to our success as a company. Ways we ensure this in our hiring process and beyond are as follows:

  • Diversity job boards integrations
  • Anonymized screening that enables personal information to be removed from applications and resumes, enabling candidates to be assessed on merit with significantly reduced risk of unconscious bias in the early stages of selection
  • Structured interview scorecards / assessments to promote fairness and consistency of assessment at interview stage
  • Smaller features throughout the platform that promote inclusive hiring (for example, highlighting candidate pronouns to the interview panel at the top of each interview kit)
  • Quarterly performance reviews for regular progression opportunities (which are reviewed by multiple parties to reduce any manager biases)

Pinpoint's responsibilities: Maintaining awareness

Pinpoint holds the responsibility for implementing policies directly and indirectly related to combating Modern Slavery, through monitoring employees’ awareness and engagement with these policies, answering queries, and conducting audits to ensure compliance.

Upon starting at the company, and annually thereafter, all employees are required to read, understand, and comply with all policies in our employee handbook. This includes our Anti-Slavery policy. This policy defines modern slavery, our expectations for detecting and reporting possible modern slavery practices in our business supply chain, and explains the process for raising any concerns or issues.


Pinpoint's responsibilities: Pinpoint supply chain and due diligence

Pinpoint is a SaaS company, and the nature of our work – and the industry it sits within – greatly reduces the chances of modern slavery to present itself. Nonetheless, Pinpoint expects all suppliers, sub-processors, and contractors comply with our values and policies.

Security & Privacy at Pinpoint

See our full list of related resources about how we keep your data secure.